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AnnaAdm28 October, 2021
Want sex tonight? Write me here: (3914)
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SwitCandy22 June, 2020
If you want real sex, Best sluts for you!(443)
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SwitCandy02 May, 2020
If you want real sex, Best sluts for you!(22608)
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GlowInTheDarkNig05 July, 2019
This is why woman shouldn't vote. They get easily manipulated by evil men not because they are less intelligent or less physically fit (although most woman are less fit), but because their spiritual will is not comparable to mens spiritual will. Womens will is that of a cloud, or a piece of clay, while mens will is that of a wooden staff or metal rod. The cloud and clay are easily molded and formed by the wooden staff and metal rod. This was by design. Cloud(rain) plus wood (tree) equals life and increased growth. Clay plus metal rod equals structure by which works of art can be created (clay spins on a metal rod to create ceramic). The best analogy Ive heard for this spiritual dynamic is that women are ships, men are captains (why you think every ship is always called a she). A ship without a captain drifts aimlessly or decays at the dock(with a bunch of cats most likely). A captain without a ship becomes a drunk with 1 eye and a parrot (so a gay pirate). Now that, thats cleared up, back to worshipping and grovelling at goddess linas holy feet oink oink oink, pump pump pump, the small hats run everything, worship the small hatted men, lolol.